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Sunday, February 6, 2011
You're almost one
What a delightful baby you were! While we had our share of sleepless nights, you did start sleeping through the night around 3 months of age. And what an eater you were (and are!). We still shudder at the thought of taking away your bottle, as when you see it, you start laughing and bouncing. Oh, that's my girl.
You are growing up to be such a delightful little girl. Because, at almost one, you are a little girl. No longer a baby, you show your personality full force...and it's a great one! You are such a ham...and you definitely get that from your daddy. Boy, you have him wrapped around your finger. He adores everything about you. In fact, we pretty much race to your crib in the morning when we hear you talking, because your joyful face is the ONLY way to start the day. You laugh (a lot) and you love playing hide and seek and peek a boo. You have NO FEAR, and frankly, we hope you stay that way. You love diving from my arms to daddy's and back again. You fearlessly go up and down the stairs. You love standing in your rocking chair and having someone swing it all the way around. Oh, daddy can't wait to take you to Disney World...this fall! What a fun trip that will be!
You have such a tender heart. You always pat our backs when we are holding you, and you LOVE to give kisses. Now, they are completely open mouth and you do like to lick us in the process, but right now, those are the best kisses in the world. And you try to go after the dogs and do the same thing!
And what a smart girl you are! You love to read books, and we'll find you sitting in your own little chair, book open. You talk in sentences, and we can't wait until we know the words that you are saying. You say "hi" and point and wave. You say daddy and to my chagrin, call me nana...but you know exactly what you are doing, and correct it with mama while you are laughing. You say "uh-oh", "woof-woof", and we swear you say "thank you" and use it correctly! Regardless, hearing you talk is so amazing. We love to hear your voice. You love music as well. You hit piano keys individually and sing along with the music that you hear.
And you are walking! Still tentative, you'll take about 12-15 steps at a time. However, you crawl faster than I run, so that is still your preference...and we are JUST FINE with that. =)
My sweet baby girl. I adore you. I thank God for giving you to us to raise and to be your parents. I consider it the greatest privlege of my life. Next weekend, we'll eat cake and say goodbye to infancy. While that brings tears to my eyes, I am so excited to see the child that you are becoming and what the future brings for you.
I love you so very much-
tap, tap....anyone out there?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
7 month (and 1/2)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sept 1, 2010
M, you are the love of our lives. I didn't know my heart could be so full.
I will post more. However, the weather is currently GORGEOUS here and I must enjoy.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Oh wait, it's the weight.
So, yeah, it's ok to be 6 months old and be delightfully chubby. It's great to have rolly polly thighs, a dimpled bum, and multiple chins.
It's not ok for the mom.
I've got to lose this infertility, hormones, I have a new baby, I'm back at work, I'm tired weight. Argh. I joined weight watchers online tonight and am on board. I've done WW before, and it just works for me. Now I just have to stick with the program.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
6 months old
You are sleeping all night, usually 11-12 hours. You tell us pretty clearly when you are tired...in fact, really the only time you are upset is when you are hungry or tired. When we bring you your bottle, you start giggling...you are so happy to eat! Speaking of eating, you LOVE solid foods. You've had multiple fruits and vegetables, but your current favorites are sweet potatoes and applesauce. We've had a great time making your baby food. Daddy just bought you some puffs, and you LOVE those too. I'm amazed at your fine motor control already! Today, at lunchtime, I gave you some small pieces of avocado on your tray....and you loved that too!
You are a complete social bug. Stranger anxiety has definitely not hit yet! You love to touch faces, laugh, and talk. While you initially hated the car, now you actually like it now!
You are the love of our lives. We praise God for you on a daily basis, and can't imagine life without you in it. Our hearts are more full than we could ever imagine.
What you like: baths, the swimming pool, food, sleeping, sophie the giraffe, your "pup-pup" (stuffed dog), your activity center, shaking your head "no", the dogs, and cuddling with daddy.
You don't like: getting your diaper changed, changing clothes, pacifiers, and getting your hair brushed.