Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm back

And it's cycle day one. Seriously, I felt no false pretenses about last month, and really knew that I would be here again in my little IF campground. Ok, so I didn't leave, but I zipped up my tent for a couple of weeks and hoped just a little that I could say, "HA HA infertility! Take that! I ovulated on my own, got pregnant, without the help of drugs and a sub specialist! I am woman, hear me roar!"

Yeah, right.

So I have my first appointment on Wednesday. U/S, labs and the dose of Follistim. Bring it on IF. My tent is open, I'm making s'mores, and I'm ready.


ME! said...

YEAH!!! You are on your way. I will be sending lots of good juju your way!!!

Pie said...

Good luck with the cycle this month! Hopefully that newly squeaky clean uterus is ready for the fun!!

cowboyboot lady said...

Roar! I love your attitude!

Petrucia said...

wishing you lots of good luck on this cycle!!! go eggs! go!! ;)
(here from ICLW)

Michelle said...

I know that feeling of hoping every month you can do it. I hope this is your cycle. Good Luck!


Kerri said...

Hi there! I'm visiting from ICLW. Woohoo for cycle day 1! I remember very clearly what renewed hope that day would bring. I struggled with IF for 2 years before becoming pregnant after having a lap and doing an IUI with injectables. I had a huge cyst removed too (and some stage IV endo). Best of luck to you!! IF sucks, but your day is coming!

Barefoot said...

So sorry about CD 1 -- it's always such a bummer day. Sending all kinds of good thoughts your way for this cycle!

Mrs. Gamgee said...

I hope this cycle goes well and that you will be able to pack up your IF tent and move on to the pregnancy resort!


theworms said...

GL with next IUI. btw - I love that follistim and eggs are on the same shelf.

Can I get a s'more?


Jules said...

Good luck this cycle!
And yeah smores sound good :)

Clare said...

Hee hee - good luck happy camper!!