Friday, August 21, 2009


Welcome, ICLW'ers! This is my third time doing ICLW, and it is such a fun and memorable experience. What a great way to find new blogs and friends. So, welcome!

Our story in a nutshell. DH and I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years now. We tried for close to a year on our own and, well, it just wasn't happening. I had my ob order some baseline labs, did an HSG and a SA and then got the green light for clomid. We did three cycles of clomid and bd'ing to no avail. Started with the RE in January. DH has low morphology and borderline motility. Did 3 clomid IUI's and all were bfn's. Just finished a follistim IUI with another bfn. (are we sensing a trend here?) Anyway, we're taking this month off before proceeding with another IUI. That, and I'm trying to get my mojo back. IF has a way of taking it away (which we all know so well).

That's us. I'll look forward to meeting some new faces!!


ME! said...

Happy ICLW!!! If you find your mojo, would check and see if mine is hanging out with yours? Mineis MIA too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great introduction.

I hope your next IUI brings you the miracle you so deserve.


Anonymous said...

Totally understand the loss of mojo.
I hope that you're able to regain your momentum and rhythm of life soon.

In Due Time said...

Thanks for the introduction! I hope your next IUI brings the double lines.

Happy ICLW! said...

Lost Mojo? I hear you loud on that one!

Good Luck for the next IUI....


EEMiles said...

Good luck on restoring your mojo!!!! :D

Kristin said...

I absolutely love ICLW.

I'm sorry y'all are running into so many BFNs and difficulties on your journey to having a baby. I hope you find your mojo soon and that your next cycle is a success.

Pie said...

Stopping in to say hi and happy ICLW! Enjoy the hormone holiday and the returning mojo!

Anonymous said...

I hope that you get your mojo back and that your next IUI gives you a positive. Good luck!

C said...

i have had a forced break from treatments this past month and it has been wonderfully mojo restoring. i hope a break brings you back and ready for more :)

Mrs. Gamgee said...

Maybe we can institute a mojo search party?

I hope that the break and your next cycle will do the trick for you!

Anonymous said...

BOO to those electronic digital HPTS. They make me feel so bad!!!

I'm sorry for your struggles, I know we've all been in the trenches in our own unique ways. . . I hope it gets easier for you and me.

Unknown said...

Got my mojo working! Good luck with the mojo curing.

Astrid said...

Happy ICLW. I'm taking a break right now too. I hate breaks. But i guess they do do wonders for the mojo. And somehow it has refreshed my hope. Happy iclw!

Beautiful Mess said...


I hope you get your MOJO back and THEN some!

Sending you lots of love and positive JUJU for September!

jones said...

I hope that a short break is just what's needed.

MoonNStarMommy said...

Happy ICLW :) I hope that you get your BFP soon ... I know how it is to want and wait and wait and wait ... I suffered from secondary infertility for 5 years before finally getting my miracle, and now I have 4 boys. Don't ever give up hope. :)

Eileen said...

I hope your next IUI cycle will be IT for you! Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hope your MoJo has been restored!

who said life is fair said...

gonna bookmark you and keep an eye out!

linked to you from a comment over at 'dreams come true sometimes'.

Courtney said...

Hey lady! You've been quiet--just checking in to see how things are on your end. Hope everything is going well!
