Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tested this AM. It was negative. I'm reeling.

Where's the hope in all of this?


just me, dawn said...

sending you a big hug. sometimes we have to borrow hope from someone else :( hang in there!

Deleted. said...

I agree--hang in there. No false hope giver here, but I tested negative until twenty days post ovulation when I was pg with A. So you never know...

Keep us updated, please? I'd be embarrassed to tell you how many times I've checked your blog over the past two days.

Much love. And *hugs* <3

Mara said...

I'm sorry it was a BFN this morning. Sending a hug and hoping that it's just too early for you. It's a good sign that AF hasn't arrived yet. Fingers crossed that she stays away and you get that BFP soon.

JB - A.K.A. Jenn said...

Sending you all the hope I have!


Deleted. said...

Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you...
