Monday, April 20, 2009

Round 4--could this please be the knockout round? Please?

Clomid and I are becoming friends again this week. I'm pretty sure this will be the last time, so I'm really hoping that she delivers. She (Clomid) is otherwise affectionately known as "Clo" around these parts. As in, "Oh Clo, you're making me crazy again. Oh Clo, you're giving me hot flashes. Oh Clo, can I blame my weight gain on you?" Anybody? Anybody?

Of course, who am I to know if it is the last time? In my initial consult with the RE, he said we would do clomid IUI's 3-4 times before moving on. I don't really WANT to move on (from the financial standpoint) but if that is what is needed, that is what is needed.

Question. How many of you have had a laparoscopy looking for endo? I really have never had any concerns or thoughts that I had endometriosis, but from reading on the blog world, it seems like there are many women who have it at the time of surgery and never had any symptoms. I mention this because (in the beginning) my RE had mentioned the possibility of a lap prior to starting IUI with injectibles. And for those of you who have absolutely shitty or non-existent insurance coverage for infertility (me! me!) if you had a lap, was it covered? The thought of paying thousands of dollars for surgery and then turning around and doing more infertility treatments is making my brain spin.


Mara said...

I don't know anything about the lap, but I'm sending you major baby dust this month. I hope this is THE month!

Anonymous said...

hey girl. never had a lap...but i am really hoping that you are done with clo after this month. :)

Lisa said...

Well I call her the evil bitch!! hahahaha!! I hear you on the insurance, we are OOP and everything is so expensive!!

Best of luck to you!!

ICLW : )

S said...

Here from ICLW. . .

I don't anything about endo or laps, but I hope that Clomid + IUI works for you this cycle so that you don't have to think any more about it. (I'm sure someone will know/post the answer to your question.)

I have added your blog to my Google Reader so that I can follow your journey.

sunflowerchilde said...

I haven't had a lap, but I'm in a similar situation as you. Pretty much zero insurance coverage, no symptoms of endo, but completely unexplained IF and clomid/IUI so far not working. I'll be curious to see what you decide to do - I honestly don't know what I'd do if/when I have to start thinking about this (which will be soon).

Gina said...

Best of luck to you this month!!!


Mr. Shelby said...

Here from ICLW - LOVE your blog title. Hang in there for this round and let us know how it's going!

Good Luck!

Mr. Shelby

Ps. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Clare said...

Just found your blog and looking forward to following your journey. I hope everything works out for you, very interested to know how the IUI goes. Good Luck!
Happy ICLW!

Kristin said...

Hoping and praying that this is your month and you don't have to worry about the more expensive treatments.


Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about laparscopy so I can't offer any a$$vice there. But I am wishing you well and hope that this cycle works, cause Clo is cheap and so much easier.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, Clomid is a bitch! I blame her for everything.

I've often wondered the same about laps. I was given a preliminary diagnosis of endo w/out a lap from my previous doctor, but my current HMO refuses to follow up on it.

Good luck finding your answers!


Jill said...

ugh... Clomid and I are frenemies. She never did anything for me but give me hope and terrible hot flashes!

Happy ICLW

Amber said...

Good luck this cycle!! My RE only does the lap if you have the symptoms, no IVF coverage or after 2 failed IVF cycles. So, I haven't had one. We are getting ready for our 2nd IVF and hopefully it will be successful so we don't have to worry about it.


stillhopeful said...

I had to laugh about the chlomid and weight gain!! I did 1 month of plain chlomid, then 3 IUIs with chlomid. As I was about to start my first IVF, I was about 10-15 pounds heavier. DH and I were with the doc in our consult, and I mentioned the weight gain, and asked if the gain was related to chlomid (knowing, of course, the answer would be yes, and I could feel just a tiny bit better about myself in at least one area of my life). Well, she said no!! The bitch!!! Right in front of my husband, made it look like it's all my fault I've gained weight, drugs can't be blamed!!! Of course, I chose not to believe her!

Good luck to you, I really, really hope this is your month!

Anonymous said...

i was on clomid for six months, in month six i was scheduled for iui #2 but they decided my uterine lining was too thin (a side effect of clomid) and canceled it. my doc recomended a laparoscopy which he did two weeks later. the lap revealed stage III endometiosis. i kind of had an inkling that i might have it since i have pretty bad cramps, but when you have them your whole life it becomes normal, you don't think "oh, my cramps are way worse than anyone else's." then i was on a drug called lupron to treat the endo for several months, and just last week i was FINALLY able to start infertility treatments again. let me know if you have any further questions (:

Anonymous said...

oh, and also if your doc reports to your insurance company that he is doing the surgery to treat for PAINFUL PERIODS possibly due to endo instead of to treat INFERTILITY due to endo (which is probably what he'd do anyways), they are way more likely to pay for it.