Tuesday, June 16, 2009

T minus 3 days

Ok, so I'm starting to get a little anxious about Friday. I'm measuring my level of anxiety by the number of M&M's I have eaten...see, unfortunately, we have the world's largest bag of M&M's in the pantry, because I bought the aforementioned world's biggest bag at the wholesale club to make the world's largest batch of monster cookies. But I have many many M&M's left. And I think I ate at least 10 servings tonight. Has anyone ever mixed popcorn and M&M's together? Very very good. But I digress....

I called the RE's office today because I hadn't heard a definitive time from the surgery center. Nine AM. His first surgery. THANK GOODNESS. I was really crossing my fingers that I would be in the morning, so I wouldn't have to wait and wait and wait. Bring on the anxiolytics!!!!!!

I'm so ready to put this behind us. Move on and get closer to that baby. That's my motto.


Lucky Jones said...

Yep, get through it and move on, that's what I say too... and the only way I like popcorn is with m&m's - the mix of sweet and salty is yummmmmmy ;)

GL, you will be ok, I promise!!!

Clare said...

Good luck! Hope the surgery goes well!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with surgery! I know you'll do great :). Have your hubby bring you lots of smoothies afterward, since you won't be able to eat solid food for a little while. Plus, they're yummy and help with the nausea.

Shinejil said...

I was really nervous before my lap, too, so I completely relate. You may also want to take some stool softeners or eat lots of dried fruit beforehand (straining after a lap=no fun at all). I also had a pillow to put between my tummy and the seat belt for the ride home, which made things a lot comfier.

Courtney said...

Good luck with the lap! I'll be sending mega good vibes your way. Update when you can? <3

Courtney said...

Hey! What gives?! I'm the deleted comment (maybeanotherbaby/modifiedmomma) but can't seem to log in. Hmph. :p <3

Finn's Mom said...

GL with your lap! I never had time to get nervous about mine ~ I found out my RE suspected I had endo (from 2 giant cysts on my initial u/s) and was booked and in the OR within a week and a half. It was really early on in my TTC life, so I basically had no idea what was happening. Oh, the young, foolish me of 2 years ago, sniff... ;)

I would up having extensive Stage IV endo (asymptomatic) and still the recovery wasn't too bad. I felt like a shmoo for a few days, having to move my inflated tummy independently from the rest of my body, but every day it got better. Within 5 days I was back to normal. But definitely plan on taking it easy for a few days afterwards.

And popcorn and M&Ms? The best! I always smuggle in a pack of plain M&Ms when we go to the movies so that we can sprinkle them in the yummy, artifical butter movie popcorn!

Sending you speedy recovery vibes!